30 Minute Zoom Coaching


60 Minute Zoom Coaching


1 Hour Discussion/Q&A


(Coming soon!)

This is an open forum where we can discuss happenings in the industry and answer any questions participants may have. Exciting guests may also join the discussion! Visit the appts page for more information about this month’s meet up. Participation is limited to 50 people per discussion.

What We Strive For!!

Auditioning never gets easier. It is ever changing with the times, with your body, your knowledge, and experience. There are only a few things that we have complete control over before taking the stage. Focus on those things, and let the rest go!!


The only experiences I have had regrets about are the ones that I was not prepared enough for. It is solely in our control and is the key, in my opinion, to putting your best foot forward in the room. It will allow you to take risks, listen to your scene partner, and most importantly HAVE FUN! This will also help with all the anxiety and stress surrounding the entire process. If you do the work, you have nothing to fear and you can enter confident and courageous.


Whether it be nailing a high note that you have been working on or making an interesting choice in your acting or scene work, if you have a plan, and execute that plan, then you are doing the work and walking away from the experience with more knowledge than you came with. If we focus on booking the gig, then we get so caught up in what the people behind the table are thinking, instead of just trusting your skill set and letting the rest be.


Often times the hardest thing to do, but the most important. If you are prepared and have a plan, that will allow you to be present and your authentic self in the room. The team behind the audition table are equally interested in casting a magnetic person to work with and an amazing talent.